Blockchain Game Insurance Protocol Proposal


Blockchain Game Insurance Protocol Proposal Report


This proposal aims to design an insurance protocol for summoning behavior in blockchain games. The insurance protocol will automatically compensate players through smart contracts, providing protection and reducing losses incurred when summoning low-quality heroes. This proposal will assess the rationality and feasibility of the insurance protocol and provide implementation recommendations.

Insurance Protocol Design

  1. Define hero summoning levels: To facilitate the calculation of compensation amounts, heroes need to be graded. For example, heroes can be divided into 5 levels: S, A, B, C, and D, where S represents the rarest and D represents the most common low-quality heroes.

  2. Set compensation conditions: When a player performs a summon, if they summon a low-quality hero (e.g., C or D level), the insurance compensation is triggered.

  3. Calculate compensation amount: The compensation amount can be calculated based on the summoning cost and the probability of summoning outcomes. For example, if the summoning cost is 100, the probability of summoning a C-level hero is 30%, and the probability of summoning a D-level hero is 40%. Then the compensation amount can be set as: for C-level, compensation amount = 100 * (1-30%); for D-level, compensation amount = 100 * (1-40%).

  4. Collect insurance premiums: To support the operation of the insurance protocol, a certain proportion of insurance premiums can be collected from players when they perform summoning. Insurance premiums can be used to pay compensation amounts and serve as the income of the insurance company.

Contract Implementation

Implementing the insurance protocol using smart contracts has the following advantages:

  1. Transparency: All transaction data and insurance terms are publicly available on the blockchain, ensuring transparency and fairness.
  2. Automatic execution: Once the contract is deployed, all operations will be automatically executed without human intervention.
  3. Security: Based on blockchain encryption technology and consensus mechanisms, the security of contracts is guaranteed.

The smart contract needs to implement the following functions:

  1. Receive insurance premiums: Automatically collect insurance premiums when players perform summoning.
  2. Monitor summoning results: Determine whether the summoning results meet the compensation conditions.
  3. Calculate compensation amount: Calculate the compensation amount based on summoning costs and summoning probabilities.
  4. Automatic compensation: Players who meet the conditions will automatically receive compensation.

Rationality and Feasibility Assessment

The scheme is somewhat reasonable and can serve as a means to reduce the risk of summoning in games for players. Implementing the process through smart contracts simplifies the operation and improves efficiency. However, the following aspects should be considered:

  1. Legal and regulatory compliance: Depending on the country or region, insurance businesses may require appropriate licenses. Compliance must be ensured when implementing the plan.
  2. Model parameter adjustment: To ensure the sustainability of the insurance protocol, parameters such as hero levels, compensation conditions, and compensation amounts may need to be adjusted based on actual conditions.
  3. Balancing insurance premium income and compensation expenses: It is necessary to ensure that insurance premium income covers compensation expenses to guarantee the long-term operation of the insurance protocol.

Overall, the plan has a certain feasibility. By fully considering factors such as regulatory compliance, model parameter adjustment, and insurance premium income and expenditure balance, this insurance protocol can be attempted.

Implementation Recommendations

  1. Compliance review: Before implementing the plan, conduct a review of the laws and regulations of the country or region to ensure the compliance of the insurance protocol.

  2. Smart contract development and testing: Hire a development team with blockchain development experience to write smart contracts using programming languages such as Solidity. Conduct thorough testing before deployment to ensure code security and proper execution.

  3. Parameter adjustment and optimization: Based on the actual situation of the game and player feedback, adjust parameters such as hero level divisions, compensation conditions, and compensation amounts in a timely manner to ensure the sustainability of the insurance protocol.

  4. Collaborate with game developers: To better integrate the insurance protocol with the game, collaborate with game developers to closely combine the insurance function with the internal logic of the game.

  5. Promotion: Actively promote the insurance protocol through social media, game communities, online and offline events, and other channels to raise player awareness and participation.

  6. Continuous monitoring and maintenance: Regularly collect data and analyze the operation of the insurance protocol during its operation, promptly identifying and resolving potential issues.

By following these steps, a transparent, automated, and secure blockchain game insurance protocol can be implemented, providing protection for players and reducing the risk of summoning heroes in the game.

Team Information
I am a dfk player , know some technique things. I am from chinese community and hope the chinese version of the UI, so more people could come in.

Requests from DFK Team
I do not have idea. I wish this idea could make dfk eco better.





  1. 定义召唤英雄等级:为了方便计算赔付金额,需要对英雄进行分级。例如,英雄可以分为5个等级:S、A、B、C和D,其中S代表最稀有,D代表最普通的垃圾英雄。

  2. 设定赔付条件:在玩家进行召唤时,如果召唤到垃圾英雄(例如等级C和D),则触发保险赔付。

  3. 计算赔付金额:赔付金额可以根据召唤投入成本和召唤结果的概率计算。例如,召唤成本为100,召唤C级英雄的概率为30%,召唤D级英雄的概率为40%。那么赔付金额可以设定为:对于C级,赔付金额=100*(1-30%);对于D级,赔付金额=100*(1-40%)。

  4. 收取保险费:为了支持保险协议的运行,可以在玩家进行召唤时收取一定比例的保险费。保险费可以用于支付赔付金额,以及作为保险公司的收入。



  1. 透明性:所有交易数据和保险条款都在区块链上公开,确保透明公正。
  2. 自动执行:合约一旦部署,所有操作都将自动执行,无需人工干预。
  3. 安全性:基于区块链的加密技术和共识机制,保证合约的安全性。


  1. 接收保险费:在玩家进行召唤时,自动收取保险费。
  2. 监测召唤结果:根据召唤结果判断是否满足赔付条件。
  3. 计算赔付金额:根据召唤成本和召唤概率计算赔付金额。
  4. 自动赔付:满足条件的玩家将自动获得赔付。



  1. 法律法规:根据所在国家或地区的法律法规,保险业务可能需要获得相应的许可。在实施方案时,需要确保合规性。
  2. 模型参数调整:为了确保保险协议的可持续性,可能需要根据实际情况调整英雄等级、赔付条件、赔付金额等参数。
  3. 平衡保险费收入与赔付支出:需要确保保险费收入能覆盖赔付支出,以保证保险协议的长期运行。



  1. 合规审查:在实施方案之前,需要针对所在国家或地区的法律法规进行审查,确保保险协议的合规性。

  2. 智能合约开发与测试:请聘请具有区块链开发经验的开发团队,使用Solidity等编程语言编写智能合约。在部署前进行充分的测试,确保代码安全性和执行正确性。

  3. 参数调整与优化:根据游戏的实际情况和玩家反馈,适时调整英雄等级划分、赔付条件、赔付金额等参数,以确保保险协议的可持续性。

  4. 与游戏开发商合作:为了更好地融合保险协议和游戏,可以与游戏开发商进行合作,将保险功能与游戏内部逻辑紧密结合。

  5. 宣传与推广:通过社交媒体、游戏社区和线上线下活动等渠道,积极宣传保险协议,提高玩家的认知度和参与度。

  6. 持续监测与维护:在保险协议运行过程中,需要定期收集数据、分析运行情况,对潜在的问题进行及时排查和解决。
