Introductions and finding individuals skills to form teams

Brilliant to see the site up.
I would like to suggest we have an introductions category so we can state our personal skill sets and look to form teams within the community.
I briefly mentioned this to @SunBear who suggest we get a “#channel” in discord which I think is great idea but I think a section on this site would help separate those who are more serious about making active progression.


Really nice feature, static informations a new power tool for the Kingdom!


Getting a Channel in Discord Would be an amazing Idea! I would Lock it with Permissions to only those relative to the building program.


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Thank you for this suggestion!

I believe it is a great idea to have people in the community team up with one another. I’ll relay this to the team.


DFK dev Discord Community is also hosting something like this in the Discord Project - #job-n-gigs

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the more contend that’s built around the project the stronger it gets especially tools that bring the community together


Two categories have been added to our space!

  • Community Collaboration - A category where potential grant applicants can connect with other community devs to explore collaboration and team formation.

  • Community Brainstorming - A category where community members can propose ideas for projects that could be utilized by community devs and possibly proposed for a grant.