DFK Buying & Leveling Guides, Graphic Guides, Summoning, Giveaways, Tutorials / Potential Concept Art for DFK

Team Information
Bless - KYC in KS database

Connection to DFK Game and DFK Blockchain
Media Content with Videos and Live Streaming and Discussions on
Market interaction with the DFK game, its NFTs, its tokens, and the blockchain.

How and Where
Youtube Co-marketing Application Via what I and Sunbear spoke about previously.

Most recent proposal


Hello Bless,
So just so I am clear, you are asking for co-marketing for your youtube channel?

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Yes Sir, that is correct. Potentially doing what we talked about to increase player acquisition.

If you would like to get a jump on things while the committee is processing your application feel free to provide information for the in-game NPCs. Here are the instructions that have been added the START HERE thread:

Co-marketing materials guidelines for Jester and Archivist

Once approved for co-marketing you can use this guide to provide the materials needed for getting listed in game under the Jester for games, and Archivist for other tools and partners.

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In order to place your information in the DFK game we need some information from you.

  1. An image (most people will likely use a screenshot): 16:9 aspect ratio, minimum size 896W x 504H.
  2. A short description (200 character limit) of your product to go on the card.
  3. A longer description to go in the modal that pops up after. This one can include information about your team if you wish.
  4. Links to your product and any social media links you would also like included.
  5. Developer or team name.

(short description)
Bless on DFK at Midnight - YouTube - Live Streams

(longer description)
Live Streams featuring giveaways and contests for DFK assets, special guest appearances, infographics, guides, community feedback and much much more!

Youtube Channel



Dev and Team Name

Bless - Four Leaf Games

Hello Bless,
Thank you for being patient while we have figured out what we believe will be the best fit for content creators like yourself. Thank you for your previous submissions! With the addition of the Artist in the castle we would like to request you add to your application a few pieces that will allow us to process your request. We need the last three sections of this template completed (Format of Submission, Description, and Link or Upload). Please let us know if you have any questions.

After reviewing the template, I feel all this Information is provided above, please let me know if anything specific is missing.


Link to Channel and all Videos Posted Live Below

All live Stream Videos on Channel



Dev and Team Name

Bless - Four Leaf Games

(short description)
Bless on DFK at Midnight - YouTube - Live Streams

(longer description)
Live Streams featuring giveaways and contests for DFK assets, special guest appearances, infographics, guides, community feedback and much much more!

Which video do you want to be the one that is embedded on your listing? DFK Artist Application - Google Docs

Just the Image provided with a Link to the channel would be ideal for me if possible

an additional link to Builder PLatform for Art requests would be fun


this is very long video but Its set at a current time if you want to run it for a preview from the start time

2:59:00 -3:51:00 52min Duration from x to x

Shows the making of

Bless, I think you need to check our new criteria again. We are highlighting one video that we have reviewed. You decide what that is. It can be an overview or a favorite. People can view it embedded and then see what else you offer. I would be happy to discuss this further with you if you have questions.

1 Like

Ill create an introduction video this weekend and post it here for you guys to review Monday


Please use this video as our Embedded Video for Artist Highlight.
Let us know if this video passes review, Thanks!

Please let me know at your earliest convenience if the video provided above is sufficient.

Thanks in advance
