Official Grant Proposal for Project BLESS
The concept of this proposal is to add Action Based Combat in the form of Dungeon Instances for Player vs. Environment (PvE) content, intended to integrate directly onto the Defi Kingdoms platform. Utilizing isometric projection, the gameplay will have a bird-eye viewpoint similar to that of popular triple A action RPG games. This concept has the possibility to increase player influx into GameFi and DFK as an overall enhancement, and also will positively impact the following specific areas:
- Interactive Gameplay (PvE)
- Jewel Tokenomics
- Item Utility
- Item Value
- Playerbase
- âEyes-Onâ Time
- Hero Utility
- Choice Variety
In addition to these positive impacts, we also aim to add functionalities and features to pre-existing systems, as well as add our own unique systems or ideas, kept in line with Kingdom Studios goals and vision for Defi Kingdoms. Some of these systems include, but are not limited to:
- Solo & Party Dungeon Content
- Loot Distribution System
- Jewel Burn Mechanics
- Dungeon Mapping & Tracking System
- Monster and Boss Mechanics
- Map Customization
- Active Playstyle Combat
- Dungeon Requirements/Limitations
- Combat & Spell Animations
- Hardcore Mode (Hero Burn Mechanics)
- Custom Audio
- Journal Progression
- Monster Creation & Statistic Production
- MobDex (Enemy Bestiary)
- Increased Hero Functionality
- Increased Item Functionality
The implementation of these additional features shall provide further depth for Defi Kingdomâs development phase in addition to providing the opportunity for an increased playerbase, an increase to the inflow of Jewel and improved tokenomics, an interactive gaming mechanic system designed with the intentions to draw active & new wallets alike further in, an opportunity for existing players to expand and immerse themselves in quality gameplay as well as the lore that can be found throughout Defi Kingdoms, and improved token utility among many other things.
The DFK community has the potential to broaden this concept. We strongly believe this new content can create an even greater thriving ecosystem. We see this as a feasible and effective addition to the gameplans that Kingdom Studios has in motion, and that it has the opportunity for future development and expansion.
Grant Amount & Rationale
We are proposing a total grant amount of 50K USD as our proposal relates to, benefits, and synergizes with Defi Kingdoms and the communityâs values. We propose the amount to be paid out in scheduled amounts following the timeline of our intended deliverables. The amount acts as incentive to ensure creation of necessary assets, such as character models, dungeon maps, abilities, spells, and other such things. The grant will assist the development team by supplying means to continue focused content creation and integration.
Team Information
Bless (Project Design Manager)
15+ years Team Management, Active-Duty Army Veteran, IT College Education. 25+ years in the Gaming Industry, Artist, Digital Design, Unique infrastructure design, Management and Facilitation of over $1,000,000 of Hard Assets without loss. Responsible for a community of over 100,000 personnel without incident.
Apex (Assistant Project Manager)
5+ years in Supervisory Positions, Financial and developing Financial Literacy, proficient problem solver and logistics personnel. 15+ years in Gaming Industry and Financial Markets and Industry.
Jin the Mage (Art & Animation Team Lead)
15+ years in Art & Animation, Advanced Diploma in Animation and Digital Production, Creation Software Proficiency, BA (Hons) in Educational Studies and Digital Technology
Altman (Pixel Artist)
20+ years in Art and Design Field, Asperite proficiency, Talented Pixel Artistry
Didierkl (Software Engineer)
20+ years as a Software Engineer, Bilingual
Sulcrit (Audio Production Tech)
20+ years as a Musician and Artist, 15+ years as a Musical Instructor and Digital Composer
Master of Coin (Marketing Advisor)
BSEE/MSEE Electrical Engineering, 12+ years of experience as a Scientist specializing in data analytics, marketing and sales, business operations and electromagnetic effects.
Requests from DFK Team
We request continuous communications and on-going consultations with the Kingdom Studios Team to determine:
- Vision for gameplay and the community.
- Experience Gain while using Hero NFTS in Dungeon
- No Stamina Requirements in Dungeons
- Multiplayer Dungeons
- Discussions with Tokenomics Team
- Request for image assets and art platform specifics to increase project efficiency
- Request about tools and languages for integration onto DFK Platform.
In general, we also are requesting interactions with and assistance from the team to seamlessly integrate this project onto the DFK Platform.
Connection to DFK Game and DFK Blockchain
We propose to interact with DFK through utilizing Hero NFTs as characters to play through Action RPG style instanced dungeons, receiving both fungible and unique non-fungible item rewards, and experience, with the possibilities to have token burn mechanics (Hardcore mode with Hero Burn), in-game enhancements and functionalities.
- Conceptual Art [In Progress]
- Asset Art & Animation
- Monster & Boss Assets [In Progress]
- Hero Assets [In Progress]
- Items & Equipment Assets [In Progress]
- Ability, Spell, & Skill Icons [In Progress]
- Monster & Boss Animations [In Progress]
- Hero Animations
- Item & Equipment Animations
- Ability, Spell, & Skill Animations
- Isometric Maps [In Progress]
- Graphical User Interface [In Progress]
- Visual & Audio Integration
- HTML Integration & HTML Canvas Build
- Solidity Integration (Blockchain Integration)
- MobDex
- Journal Progression Tracker
- Action Sounds
- Monster & Boss Sound Effects
- Hero Sound Effects
- Items & Equipment Sound Effects
- Ability, Spell, & Skill Sound Effects
- Environment Sounds
- Ambience
- Background Music
Payment Schedule
Estimated Timeframe for Project Completion: 12 weeks
- Payment 1 - Monster, Boss & Map Concepts
- Payment 2 - Item, Equipment, Abilities/Skills/Spells Concepts
- Payment 3 - Action & Environmental Audio Concepts
- Payment 4 - Isometric Map & Graphical User Interface Concepts
- Payment 5 - Monster & Boss Assets
- Payment 6 - Item & Equipment Assets, Ability/Skill/Spell Completion
- Payment 7 - Action & Environmental Audio Completion
- Payment 8 - Isometric Map & G.U.I. Completion
- Payment 9 - Alpha Testing
- Payment 10 - Completed Dungeon Map & Audio/Visual Integration
- Payment 11 - Backend Completed, Audit Performed
- Payment 12 - Product Delivery (One Instanced PvE Dungeon)
Timeline with Milestones
Estimated Timeframe for Project Completion: 12 weeks
- Milestone 1 - Continuous Coordination & Communication with Defi Kingdoms Team
- Milestone 2 - Completion of Visual Concepts
- Milestone 3 - Completion of Audio Concepts
- Milestone 4 - Completion of Software Integration
- Milestone 5 - Alpha Testing & Product Delivery
Goals and Measures for Success
- Increased User Base by an idealized 20%
- Increase Ecosystem Value by an idealized 25%
Long Term Plan
We aim to continue working in the future on adding more dungeons with a variety of monsters and features whilst continuing to work alongside the Kingdom Studios Team to bring their vision to life. Alongside this, some additional features and enhancements we have in mind have been listed below in no specific priority:
- Continuation of Mobdex
- Additional Dungeon map to Level Cap
- Further Implementation of Jewel Burning mechanics
- DFK item implementation
- NFT Hero Burning Mechanics
- Item Burning Mechanics
- Item Crafting and Resource Crafting
- Skill Tree Development
- Additional NFT Hero Passive abilities and active abilities
- Multi level dungeons
- Items Unique to Dungeons
- Looting Mechanism
- Additional Hero Animations for abilities
- Additional Monster Animations for abilities
- Traps, Gauntlets etc.
- Dungeon Economy and Market Discussion
- Fee Implementations and Discussions
- PVE Campaign Discussions
- Open World PvE / Wilderness Area
- Wildlife Taming / Pets Continued
- Additional Loot Mechanics
- Fish Farms / Fertilizer (fish/plant burn) (New)
- Raids Content / Guild Content
- Weekly and Monthly Global Raids One Boss everyone is attacking for rewards
- Resource Discussions and expansion
- Additional Skill Crafting
- Endless Dungeons
- Tower of Ascensions
- Additional Monster and Boss mechanics/Abilities
- Guild Events
- Additional Combat and Magic audio
- Additional Combat and magic Animations
- Additional Monster analysis and Statistics
- Loot distribution/items/equipment Implementations
- Continued Map Customizations and enhancements
- Weather Modifications
- Dungeon Requirements/Restrictions improvements
- Quest Journal/Progress improvements
External Links
Link to Initial Proposal: Bless Project - DFK - #22 by Bless
File Uploads
These are some early mockups, concept art and animations of this Player vs Environment (PVE) Content.
For ease of viewing you can also see the below images on this Imgur